Monica King, Hodgkin’s Lymphoma Survivor

I am Monica King and this is my story…..

In May of 2003, at the age of 17, I was diagnosed with stage 2A Hodgkin’s Lymphoma disease.

I discovered a lump on my neck that was odd. This lump didn’t hurt, but felt odd and I knew something was wrong. I informed my mother, and she immediately scheduled me a doctor’s appointment.

After several tests it was determined that I had cancer.

I was diagnosed two days prior to my high school graduation.

Imagine getting prepared to graduate from high school, and being told you have cancer. I was devastated, but also in denial. I questioned God often, asking why me?

For the next five months, I would endure several rounds of chemotherapy, radiation, and scans. I had plans on attending college at Alabama A&M University in the fall. I thought this would all come to a halt with my recent diagnosis.

However, my mother didn’t throw me a pity party.

She made me attend college in the fall as we originally planned prior to my diagnosis. My mother made sure I didn’t use my diagnosis as a crutch and a means not to continue with my life.

I stayed on campus and completed treatments around my school schedule. This was very challenging, but with a strong support system I pushed through.

I completed my last chemotherapy treatment in October 2003.

Scans also revealed that the cancer was gone.  

Almost 20 years later, I still remain cancer free.

October 25, 2023, I will celebrate 20 years of being in remission.

I currently reside in the Nashville, Tennessee area as a Human Resources professional in the music industry.

Having childhood cancer taught me to live life to the fullest and to never let your diagnosis take over your life.

I am so thankful for my family and friends that were there for me throughout my cancer journey.

Being a cancer survivor has made me the women I am today.

- Monica King, Cancer Survivor

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