Cynthia Walton, Breast Cancer Survivor

Meet Cynthia Walton, Breast Cancer Survivor

In March 2011 I was doing a routine appointment and told my Doctor that I thought I had caffeine cysts.

My doctor said let's see what's going on. I noticed as she was doing the exam her facial expression was not the same.

She said to me that she needed me to get dressed and go downstairs to do an MRI.

This is when my introduction to Breast Cancer was about to begin.

I did an ultrasound and a biopsy to later find out that I was positive.

My biggest fear was having to tell my family and friends that I was positive about this dreadful disease.

I wasn't afraid because I knew that I had God on my side.

God said TRUST Him and I will take care of You!

I have said from day one I had Cancer but Cancer never had ME!

God has Me and I have God!


This is my testimony

11 years Cancer free and more years to testify!

- Cynthia Walton, Breast Cancer Survivor

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