Muriel Jones Hines, Cervical Cancer Survivor

From Overwhelming to Overcoming; My Cervical Cancer Story
I’m truly blessed to share my story of Cervical Cancer and my faith walk. I remember the day I returned to my infertility specialist, Dr. Lynn Borchert  for my test results.

It had been ten years since the birth of my daughter, and not being on birth control, my husband and I were trying to have another child. We were referred to an infertility specialist. After all the testing and following the direction of the doctor, I was told that surgery for me will be our final option for me to conceive. The chances before surgery very slim. Proceeding with surgery would give me a 50/50 chance of getting pregnant.

It was during the testing that my doctor found the cancer.

April 1, 1981, I received the news that I had cervical cancer.

What started out as finding the root cause of my infertility, turned into a cancer diagnosis. My doctor looked at me and said, “this is not an April fool. I was numb, scared and felt much alone.

Back then, if you hear the “C” word, it was like a death sentence. I was a new convert in Christ, and I didn’t understand why this was happening to me. 

That, day was the day that I knew the voice of God was real!

I managed to get home with the help of a very dear friend. I cried so much, and I just walked through my house, going in my daughter’s room saying, “who’s going to raise my daughter?”

My friend was in my living room and I was in the back. She asked if I was okay, and I said yes with a cracking voice. It was then, in the bathroom, from the corner ceiling that I heard, “I am the Lord Thy God that healeth thee!” I looked up to see where it was coming from, so I rushed out to go and tell my friend what I had just heard, and she met me in the den and said, “God said He was going to heal you!” Glory!

God’s plan of action was put in place.

Not knowing the meaning of God’s numbers because I was a baby in Christ, He gave me seven ladies from my church to go on a fast with me. Those seven ladies met me at church, and laid me on the alter, covered me, anointed me, and prayed! My appointment to see the oncologist, was that Wednesday. The pressure was on for me to have surgery but I refused and told him that I would get pregnant again. He tried his best to convince me but I stood on what God had already said to me. There was a procedure, but the doctor didn’t want to go through with it, I said, you will do the procedure, and you will not cut me. Not wanting to challenge me as the patient, he set the date for the procedure.

Six week check-up and there was no sign of the cancer!

The doctor did a repeat pap smear and the results were the same! That day I then heard the Spirit say, “The moment you acted on my words, was the very moment you were healed! My first faith walk took me straight into worship! God proved Himself to me even when I did understand. To this present time, I still hear Him, and I still trust and take Him at His word.


April 1, 2023 will be 42 years! I owe Him everything!

- Muriel Jones Hines, Cervical Cancer Survivor 

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